Jill Adams

 About Me


I believe we all need a little more positive attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance not just from others, but more from ourselves.

We must take the time. 

After graduating from Delavan-Darien High School, I traveled the U.S. in an effort to find a place that seemed more like...me, or maybe, to try and find myself. 

A lifestyle I found commonplace in the small northern California town of Point Arena resonated within me. It's where I discovered the grounding effects that gardening lends, the energy that organic food and kombucha elicit, and the sense of oneness so prevalent in this rural community enveloped in a forest of redwood trees on the Pacific coast.

This experience drew me to the study of natural medicine as it promotes the body's natural capacity to heal. I was introduced to a variety of alternatives to Modern Western Medicine studying medicinal properties of plants, human biology, and massage. Massage is where I have found my niche in the Allopathic philosophy of treating the person as a whole.

I have since returned to the Midwest to raise my daughter closer to family, but Point Arena will always hold my heart.

I am so fortunate to have found a way to reach a broader spectrum of people on all walks of life in a therapeutic, rewarding way and within the comfort of a safe environment using body work therapies.

It is my mission and calling to help you feel the best you can through methods in which I am trained and certified, (NCBTMB, Wisc. Lic., etc.). You will not leave my office feeling less than awesome.

Make an Appointment: 262-725-2927 or visit yogahohm.com